News & Events

SMIIC MC Training in Calibration of Vibrometer

The 26st SMIIC MC Training within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023 V2 was the Calibration of Vibrometer that took place on the 21 July 2022 virtually, technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat.  14 experts participated in the training.

The training was hosted by NMI: Tübitak UME – Turkey

General Description: The training covers information on definitions of terms related to the vibration, application fields of vibration measurements and calibration of vibrometers.

Objective, expected outcome: This training course focuses on basic vibration, application fields of vibration measurements and calibration of vibrometers.

Who should attend: The training should be attended by the staff working in vibration field at the level of national metrology institutes or secondary level calibration laboratories..


  • BIPM website (www.bipm.org)

Duration of training: 1 hours (21 July 2022)


Eyüp Bilgiç (eyup.bilgic@tubitak.gov.tr)

Time Schedule: 10:30 – 11:30


  • General vibration measurements
  • Basic definitions on vibration
  • Traceability of vibration measurements
  • Calibration of vibrometers:
  • linearity
  • frequency response