News & Events

9th BOD Meeting of SMIIC

The 9th BOD Meeting of the SMIIC  was held in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey on 19 November 2014.

The Ninth Meeting of the SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD) was held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 19 November 2014. SMIIC General Secretariat hosted the meeting. 

Mr. Hulusi ŞENTÜRK, Chairman of BOD of SMIIC welcomed the participants to the Meeting and made the opening address.

It was followed by the speeches of Dr. Saad ALKASABI, SMIIC Vice-Chairman, Mr. Bayero MOHAMADOU, SMIIC Vice-Chairman, Dr. Yousuf JUNAID, Consul General of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on behalf of SMIIC Vice-Chairman. 

The Board was attended by the representatives of the following Member States who have membership in the SMIIC BOD:

1-     Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

2-     People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

3-     Republic of Cameroon

4-     Arab Republic of Egypt

5-     Republic of Guinea

6-     Islamic Republic of Iran

7-     Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

8-     Libya

9-     Islamic Republic of Pakistan

10-  Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

11-  Republic of Tunisia

12-  Republic of Turkey

13-  United Arab Emirates

Malaysia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Republic of Suriname, State of Palestine, Republic of Senegal, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Republic of Niger and Republic of Mali attended the Meeting as observers. Also representatives from OIC General Secretariat and COMCEC Coordination Office attended the Meeting.

Membership applications of Department of Standards Malaysia (DSM), Malaysia and Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Observer Status) to SMIIC were accepted by BOD members and the esteemed Malaysia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have joined the SMIIC family.,

The Board appointed Mr. Lotfi BEN SAID from INNORPI, Republic of Tunisia as Assistant Secretary General for a term of 3 years. 
