The internal structure of the Institute comprises the following organs:
  1. General Assembly;
  2. Board of Directors;
    1. Standardization Management Council
    2. Metrology Council
    3. Accreditation Council
    4. Standing Advisory Committee
  3. General Secretariat.
The General Assembly is the supreme decision-making organ of the SMIIC and composed of the Member States.
The Board of Directors of the SMIIC is the organ entrusted with the supervision of the execution of the programs, plans and activities of the Institute. The Board of Directors comprises of thirteen members, including the host country as the permanent member, elected by the General Assembly, on the basis of an equitable geographic distribution, for a term of three years.
The Board shall elect a chairman and three vice-chairmen among its members for a term of three years re-electable for successive terms.
Dr. Saad bin Othman Al-Kasabi (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) is serving as the Chairman of Board of Directors of SMIIC starting from April 2018. He is in active service.
The current structure of SMIIC Board of Directors for the 2025-2027 term are as follows: 
1. Republic of CAMEROON
2. Arab Republic of EGYPT
3. Republic of INDONESIA
4. Islamic Republic of IRAN
5. Republic of IRAQ
6. Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN
8. Kingdom of MOROCCO
9. State of PALESTINE
10. Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA
11. Republic of TUNISIA
12. Republic of TÜRKİYE
13. United Arab EMIRATES
Permanent Committees are Strategy Committee, Finance Committee and Committee for Review of Memberships/Nominations.. These Committees are established with the approval of the Terms of Reference (ToR) of SMIIC Board of Directors  at the 18th SMIIC Board of Directors Meeting which was held on 08 April 2019 in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey.

The BOD/SC is composed of 6 (six) or 7 (seven) Member States that shall be designated by the SMIIC Board of Directors on voluntary basis.
The current structure of Strategy Committee for the 2022-2024 term are as follows: 
1. Republic of CAMEROON (Chair)
2. Arab Republic of EGYPT
3. Islamic Republic of IRAN
4. Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN
5.. Kingdom of MOROCCO
6. State of PALESTINE
7. Republic of TUNISIA
8. United Arab EMIRATES

  1. Reports to Board of Directors;
  2. Prepares the draft of SMIIC Strategic Plan and follows its implementation;
  3. Monitors current trends and emerging issues affecting the development and implementation of OIC/SMIIC Standards;
  4. Recommends action to Board of Directors regarding new areas of standardization, metrology and accreditation;
  5. Coordinates the development, maintenance and monitoring of SMIIC's policies.

The BOD/FC is composed of 6 (six) or 7 (seven) Member States that shall be designated by the SMIIC Board of Directors on voluntary basis.
The current structure of Finance Committee for the 2022-2024 term are as follows: 
1. Republic of TÜRKİYE (Chair)
2. Republic of IRAQ
4. Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN
5. Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA 

  1. Reports to Board of Directors;
  2. Monitors the financial performance of the Institute;
  3. Reviews the annual financial statements and the SMIIC General Secretariat budget;
  4. Reviews the report of the external financial auditor for each financial year;
  5. Advices on the figures of the mandatory contributions of the Member States as well on the situations of the Member States that have non-paid mandatory contributions to SMIIC budget to Board of Directors;
  6. Advices on the business models to create new financial sources.

BOD/CRM is composed of Chairman, one of Vice-Chairmen of Board of Directors, 2 (two) volunteer Members of the Board of Directors and Secretary General.
The current structure of Committee for Review of Memberships/Nominations for the 2022-2024 term are as follows: 
1. Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA (Chair)
2. Republic of TÜRKİYE 
3. Republic of IRAQ
4. Islamic Republic of IRAN
5. Secretary General

  1. Reports to Board of Directors;
  2. Covers the nominations/memberships process for:
    1. Secretary General
    2. Candidate Member States of Board of Directors (BOD) Memberships
    3. Candidate Member States of Membership of Councils (AC and SMC)
    4. Membership for BOD Permanent Committees (BOD/SC, BOD/FC)
    5. Nomination/membership for ad hoc committees, etc.
    6. Members of Standing Advisory Committee 

BOD/GOV is composed of a Chair, a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) Members of the Board of Directors (BOD), designated by the BOD on voluntary basis. In case of more than 6 Members will be candidates, members of the BOD/GOV shall be elected by the SMIIC Board of Directors in accordance with the voting provisions set out in the SMIIC Statute. Chairman of Board of Directors and Secretary General can also attend the meetings given their opinion to advance the work of the BOD/GOV if necessary
The current structure of Committee for Governance for the 2022-2024 term are as follows: 
1. Kingdom of MOROCCO (Chair)
2. Republic of CAMEROON
3. Islamic Republic of IRAN
4. Republic of IRAQ
6. Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN
7. State of PALESTINE
8. Kingdom of SAUDI ARABIA
9. Republic of TÜRKİYE 
10. United Arab EMIRATES
Standardization Management Council is the organ assigned the task of development of OIC/SMIIC standards in cooperation with Member States. Standardization Management Council shall coordinate and oversee the performance of the Technical Committees.
Metrology Council (MC) shall have an inventory of existing calibration standards and establish a chain of traceability to reference standards for each basic unit. MC shall act as intermediary, for any unit, for meeting calibration requirements which may arise at any link of the chain to be established. It shall, through its staff of experts, certify the extent of accuracy and precision with which any calibration laboratory offers services.
Accreditation Council (AC) is the organ carrying out activities aimed at the establishment of an accreditation scheme in the OIC Member States. AC is responsible for supporting actions for establishing a sound accreditation system OIC-wide and raise awareness of accreditation concept within the Member States. AC shall be responsible for implementing OIC/SMIIC accreditation standards and performing peer assessment.
Standing Advisory Committee shall act as a consultative group and advice on the issues related to the governance, policy and activities of Councils. The objective of the Standing Advisory Committee is to act as an independent robust advisory body to the Board of Directors to assure alignment with best international practices in the fields of standardization, metrology and accreditation.
The General Secretariat of the SMIIC is the organ which is responsible for the implementation of the programs plans and decisions of the SMIIC; it is headed by the Secretary General of the Institute.
Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT was elected as the Secretary General at the 7th General Assembly Meeting held in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey, on 20 November 2014. Mr. ÖVÜT was re-elected as the Secretary General for the 2018-2020 term at the 12th SMIIC General Assembly Meeting which was held on 26 November 2017 in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey and was re-elected as the Secretary General for the 2022-2024 term at the 16th SMIIC General Assembly Meeting which was held on 02 November 2021 in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He is in his active service.