News & Events

The Philippine Halal Assembly

SMIIC General Secretariat delegation attended the Philippine Halal Assembly organized by the Philippine Ministry/ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region XII in Manila, Philippines on 03-05 June 2015.
SMIIC General Secretariat delegation attended the Philippine Halal Assembly, with the theme “Synergizing Halal thru Science & Technology” organized by the Philippine Ministry/ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region XII in Manila, Philippines on 03-05 June 2015.
H.E. Mario G. MONTEJO, Secretary, Department of Science Technology, Philippines delivered the keynote address as the host country.
Assistant Secretary General of SMIIC, Mr. Lotfi BEN SAID delivered the message of Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT, SMIIC Secretary General during the opening ceremony. SMIIC delegation made contribution to the Assembly by being a panelist and giving a presentation in the related sessions.
The Philippine Halal Assembly & Trade Expo was a gathering of International speakers, experts, certification bodies, producers etc. which provided a perfect platform to conduct networking and to raise awareness regarding SMIIC objectives and activities. 
During the event, it was commonly agreed that a harmonized halal standards and accreditation system established under the umbrella of SMIIC is what the manufacturers, certification bodies and other related stakeholders of the global halal market need for the enchancement of trade and they give their support for the promotion of SMIIC in this regard.