News & Events

11th Meeting of the SMIIC BOD

11th Meeting of the SMIIC BOD was held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 30 November 2015.

The Eleventh Meeting of the SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD) was held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 30 November 2015. Turkish Standards Institution (TSE) hosted the meeting. Mr. Sebahittin KORKMAZ, Chairman of BOD of SMIIC welcomed the participants to the Meeting and made the opening address.

It was followed by the message of H.E. Mr. Iyad Ameen MADANI, the Secretary General of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which was delivered by Mr. Jakhongir KHASANOV, Head of Infrastructure and Human Development Unit, Department of Economic Affairs of the OIC.

The opening ceremony continued with a welcome speech delivered by H.E. Mr. Fikri IŞIK, Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, Republic of Turkey.

The Board was attended by the representatives of the following Member States who have membership in the SMIIC Board of Directors:

1-     Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

2-     People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

3-     Republic of Cameroon

4-     Arab Republic of Egypt

5-     Republic of Guinea

6-     Islamic Republic of Iran

7-     Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

8-     Libya

9-     Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

10-  Republic of Tunisia

11-  Republic of Turkey

12-  United Arab Emirates

Lebanon and Bosnia and Herzegovina attended the Meeting as observers. Also representative from OIC General Secretariat attended the Meeting. 

The General Secretariat briefed the Board by presenting a comprehensive report on the latest developments and activities of SMIIC since the last BOD meeting.

The General Secretariat delivered a presentation on the Introduction of SMIIC Information System (SMIIC IS) which is a project to support the standards development process by providing an electronic collaborative environment for the work of SMIIC’s committees.

SMIIC Committee on Standards for Conformity Assessment (SMIIC/CCA) was established under the General Secretariat to develop policies and publish standards related to conformity assessment.

During the meeting, internal issues of the Institute such as mandatory contributions, need for revision of Internal Regulations of SMIIC and Strategy and Action Plan (SAP) in order to establish policies and objectives for SMIIC were discussed by the BOD Members.
