News & Events

The First Meeting of the SMIIC/CCA

The First Meeting of the SMIIC/CCA was held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey on 23-24 March 2016.

The First Meeting of the SMIIC Committee on Standards for Conformity Assessment (SMIIC/CCA) was held in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey on 23-24 March 2016, hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat.

Following a brief presentation on SMIIC, its standardization activities and intended role of SMIIC/CCA and upon the revision of the comments received from the Member States, the draft SMIIC/CCA Terms of Reference was approved with the amendments.

The meeting decided the SMIIC Technical Committees (TCs), Metrology Committee (MC) and Accreditation Committee (AC) as well as International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) and Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) to become liaisons of SMIIC/CCA.

The meeting established a working group (SMIIC/CCA/WG 1) to work on the revision of OIC/SMIIC 2 and 3 standards and also highlighted that relevant standardization procedure may be initiated for conformity assessment of especially the Halal services, products and management etc.
