News & Events

First OIC S&T Summit

Mr. Sebahittin KORKMAZ, SMIIC Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. İhsan Övüt, Secretary General of SMIIC attended the First Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Science and Technology which was held in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, on 10-11 September 2017.

The Summit adopted the OIC Science, Technology and Innovation Agenda 2026 in which the leaders identified priority areas including managing energy requirements by calling for the use of renewable energy and initiating peaceful application of nuclear technology in power and non-power sector among other recommendations.

The Summit also called in the Agenda for nurturing the “Thinking Mind” by building a culture of science and innovation; making people employable through developing their education and skills; and improving the quality of higher education and research in addition to focusing on mathematics and physics, biology and biotechnology, and the chemical sciences.

In the resolutions of the Summit, it is decided that the Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries (SMIIC) and Islamic Organization for Food Security (IOFS) shall act in concert together for Food Safety and Halal Standards and Member States are encouraged to consider implementing OIC/SMIIC standards in addition to international standards on the relevant issues.
