News & Events

2nd Task Force Group (TFG) of SMIIC AC

The Second Meeting of the Task Force Group (TFG) of SMIIC Accreditation Council (AC) was held in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey on 13-14 May 2018, hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat.

TFG was established for studying of Terms of Reference (ToR) of the SMIIC Accreditation Council according to the Accreditation Council Resolution 05/2018 of the 1st Meeting of the Management of SMIIC AC which was held on 26-27 February 2018 in İstanbul, Turkey.

The TFG members discussed the pending issues as well as the editorial comments on the draft ToR which was prepared at the 1st TFG Meeting with suggested proposals/objections.

The TFG Members reviewed the whole document item by item and finalized to be submitted to the consideration of the 2nd Meeting of Management of SMIIC AC which will be held on 28-29 June 2018 in İstanbul, Turkey together with the draft ToR proposal of a SMIIC Member State.
