News & Events

20th SMIIC Board of Directors Meeting

The Twentieth Meeting of the SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD) was held virtually on 02 November 2020, and technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Dr. Saad bin Othman AL-KASABI, Chairman of the SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD).

The meeting was attended by representatives from all 13 Members States of the Board of Directors. The representatives of Republic of Chad, Republic of Yemen and People’s Republic of Bangladesh attended the meeting as observers. The meeting was attended by 42 (Forty-two) representatives of the members of the SMIIC Board of Directors.

Under the extraordinary conditions brought about by the global COVID-19 pandemic and necessity to organize the Board of Directors Meeting virtually and the importance of conducting the elections smoothly at physical meeting to provide solidarity among the Member States, the Board decided to postpone the elections of members of Standardization Management Council (SMC) and Management of Accreditation Council (MAC) to 2021 and to extend the term of office of the members of the SMC and MAC until the end of 2021, whilst additionally, to extend the term of office of the Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen of Board of Directors, as well as Chairs and Vice-Chairs of SMC, MC and AC until the end of 2021.

Board of Directors approved the membership application of Republic of Yemen which will be represented by the Yemen Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control Organization (YSMO) as the national body, the membership application of People's Republic of Bangladesh which will be represented by Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) as the national body and the membership application of Republic of Chad which will be represented by Agence Tchadienne de Normalisation (ATNOR) as the national body, bringing the number of SMIIC Members to 42 along with 3 Observers.
