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SMIIC MC Training in General Metrology, Fundamentals of Measurement, Calibration and Validation

The 11th SMIIC MC Training within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023 was the Training in Training in General Metrology, Fundamentals of Measurement, Calibration and Validation took place on the 15 - 16 November 2021 virtually, technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat.  39 experts participated in the training.

The training is hosted by NMI: IMBiH-Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina

General Description: The Training covers IMBiH's knowledge transfer experiences in establishing metrology system in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on international requirements for national measurement institute and its integration in world metrology system (implementation SI units, Metre Convention, CIPM MRA)

Objective, expected outcome: To provide knowledge and to develop skill of participants in development of national metrology system and international recognition

Target audience, expertise level required: Staff working in National Metrology Institutes


The International System of Units (9th edition); Metre Convention (International treaty from 1875);

CIPM MRA Policy documents: Overview and implementation of the CIPM MRA (CIPM MRA-P-11);

CIPM MRA Guidance documents: Measurement comparisons in the CIPM MRA Guidelines for organizing, participating and reporting (CIPM MRA-G-11); Quality management system systems in the CIPM MRA Guidelines for monitoring and reporting (CIPM MRA-G-12) and calibration and measurement capabilities in the context of CIPM MRA Guidelines for their review, acceptance and maintenance CIPM MRA-G-13.

Key comparison data base KCDB http://kcdb.bipm.org;

ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement: Policy and management (ILAC M C P4:05); ILAC policy on metrological treatability of measurement results ISO/IEC 1725:2017 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

Duration of training: 2 days (15-16 November 2021)

Lecturer: Sejla Alisic

Time Schedule: 10:30 – 14:30

Subject/Activities: Day 1:

  • Metrology as a science of measurements
  • Brief history of metrology
  • International System of Units (SI). SI Brochure
  • Redefinition of SI units (26th CGPM Resolutions)
  • International Metrological Infrastructure. Metre Convention
  • Role of BIPM, CGPM, CIPM
  • Regional Metrology Organizations Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA)
  • Metrological traceability of measurement results
  • Key and Supplementary comparisons


Subject/Activities: Day 2:

  • Calibration and Measurement Capabilities in BIPM KCDB
  • Equivalence of measurements (CIPM MRA, ILAC MRA and regional accreditation agreements)
  • Declaration on metrological traceability
  • National Quality Infrastructure
  • Role of National Metrology Institute in National Quality Infrastructure
  • Establishment of national measurement database
  • Development of metrology infrastructure at national level
  • Approved competence of testing and calibration laboratories
  • Peer Review and accreditation audits
  • Development of conformity assessment bodies