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SMIIC accepts and applies WTO TBT Code of Good Practice

SMIIC is proud to announce its acceptance of the WTO TBT Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards presented in Annex 3 to the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade. This information has been published on the WTO ISO Standards Information Gateway web page.


The TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) aims to ensure that technical regulations, standards, and conformity assessment procedures are non-discriminatory and do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. The TBT Agreement encourages members to base their measures on international standards to facilitate trade, and through its transparency provisions, it aims to create a predictable trading environment.


Annex 3 of the TBT Agreement, also known as the TBT Code of Good Practice, contains a number of standards-related notification requirements that WTO members are required to comply with. SMIIC has taken reasonable measures to ensure that its central governmental standardizing bodies accept and comply with this Code of Good Practice, and that local government, non-governmental, and regional standardizing bodies also accept and comply.


SMIIC's acceptance of the TBT Code of Good Practice is a significant step towards promoting international trade, and SMIIC is committed to adhering to its principles. SMIIC encourages all member states to follow suit and comply with the Code, as it will not only facilitate trade but also promote safety, health, and environmental protection.


For more information, please visit the following link:
