News & Events

SMIIC MC Training on Calibration of Wattmeters and Uncertainty Calculations

The 8th SMIIC MC Training within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2024 – 2026 V1 was the Calibration of Wattmeters and Uncertainty Calculations that took place on the 24 October 2024 virtually, technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat. 22 experts participated in the training.

The training was hosted by NMI: TÜBİTAK UME

General Description: The training covers information on the calibration of Wattmeters by Comparison Method using Reference Digital Sampling Wattmeter/ Reference Wattmeter.

Objective, expected outcome: This training course aims to understand the calibration of Wattmeters and uncertainty calculations.

Who should attend: The training should be attended by the staff working in metrology laboratories at the level of national metrology institutes or laboratories who are involved or planned to be involved in calibration of Wattmeters.


- IEC/IEEE standards on electrical power and energy
- EURAMET TCEM guides on power
- TUBITAK UME technical instructions on power and energy

Lecturer/s:  Özlem YILMAZ (ozlem.yilmaz@tubitak.gov.tr)

Time Schedule: 10:30 – 13:00


 General Information about wattmeters
 AC power/energy reference systems and measurement methods
 Uncertainty calculations

