News & Events

10th BOD Meeting of SMIIC

The Tenth Meeting of the SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD) was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 03 May 2015 and hosted by the Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA).
The Board was attended by the representatives of the following Member States who have membership in the SMIIC Board of Directors:

1-     Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

2-      People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

3-     Republic of Cameroon

4-     Arab Republic of Egypt

5-     Islamic Republic of Iran

6-     Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

7-     Islamic Republic of Pakistan

8-     Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

9-     Republic of Tunisia

10-  Republic of Turkey

11-  United Arab Emirates

Malaysia, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Senegal and Kyrgyz Republic attended the Meeting as observers. Also representatives from OIC General Secretariat Office attended the Meeting.

Membership application of Center for Standardization and Metrology under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic (CSM)  to SMIIC was unanimously accepted by Board Members and with the addition of Kyrgyz Republic, the number of SMIIC Member States has reached 32 members. 

The General Secretariat briefed the Board by presenting a comphrensive report on the latest developments and activities of SMIIC since the last BOD meeting.

During the meeting, internal issues of the Institute such as annual budget, mandatory contributions, revision of Internal Regulations of SMIIC and Strategy and Action Plan (SAP)  in order to establish policies and obejctives for SMIIC were discussed by the BOD Members.
