
COMSTECH-SMIIC Training Course

COMSTECH-SMIIC Training Course on “OIC/SMIIC Halal Products Standards and Testing”

OIC/SMIIC 24:2020 Requirements for Food Additives and Other Added Chemicals to Halal - Virtual Training

OIC/SMIIC 24:2020 Requirements for Food Additives and Other Added Chemicals to Halal - Virtual Training will be held on the 03-04 July 2024

OIC/SMIIC 2:2019 Requirements for Bodies Providing Halal Certification - Virtual Training

OIC/SMIIC 2:2019 Requirements for Bodies Providing Halal Certification - Virtual Training

COMSTECH-SMIIC Training Course

COMSTECH-SMIIC Training Course on “OIC/SMIIC Halal Products Standards and Testing: Food, Pharmaceuticals, and Cosmetics”

27th SMIIC BOD Meeting

27th SMIIC BOD Meeting will be held in Istanbul, Türkiye on 29-30 April 2024

Islamic Affairs Expert – Online Training Based on OIC/SMIIC 1:2019 - General Requirements for Halal Food

The training on Islamic Affairs Expert based on OIC/ SMIIC 1:2019 is virtually between 17-18 October 2023

OIC/SMIIC 2 Requirements for Bodies Providing Halal Certification – Online Foundation Training

The limited places for this training have been filled. If we receive enough request then we can open a training at the end of the year. Please forward your requests to the General Secretariat via event@smiic.org

Special OIC Halal Conference Expo 2020 Dubai

SMIIC will organize one day conference on 14 February 2022 at Terra Auditorium-Sustainability Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai

16th SMIIC GA Meeting

16th SMIIC GA Meeting will be held in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 02 November 2021

22th SMIIC BOD Meeting

22th SMIIC BOD Meeting will be held in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 01 November 2021

SMIIC owns the registered trademarks for the short name, "SMIIC" and the SMIIC logo.

SMIIC short name and the SMIIC logo have been registered on 29/06/2021 by Turkish Patent and Trademark Office which is the member of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).


SMIIC Strategic Plan will articulate our new vision “To create a quality infrastructure that improves economy, welfare and protects our Member States”., based on our member’s needs and expectations.


SMIIC Strategic Plan 2021-2030 focuses on three distinct goals: “Develop high-quality standards that are used worldwide"; “Support members’ needs and ensure effective engagement of their stakeholders” & “Support the enhancement of quality infrastructure and interconnectivity of members”.


To achieve our strategic goals, we will focus our resources on achieving thirteen (13) strategic objectives and we will measure our success in achieving them by the key performance indicators selected for each objective.

Niger ANMC Visit

SMIIC Secretary General, H.E Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT visited the “Agence Nigérienne de Normalisation, de Métrologie et de Certification (ANMC)” during his participation in the 47th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the OIC (CFM) on 27-28th November 2020. This visit is expected to enhance cooperation frameworks between SMIIC and ANMC.

SMIIC Member States Coping with Covid-19

In such unprecedented circumstances as COVID-19 has presented, our Member States have taken immediate measures to prevent the spread of the disease. Both Governments and organizations have taken many actions in a very wide area to overcome the consequences and challenges resulting from this pandemic.

Meetings of 20th SMIIC Board of Directors and 15th SMIIC General Assembly

The 20th SMIIC Board of Directors and 15th SMIIC General Assembly meetings which had been planned to be held in Madinah-Saudi Arabia, were held virtually on 02 and 03 November 2020 respectively due to unprecedented conditions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

3 New Halal Standards Published

SMIIC Member States have put their tremendous efforts and deep expertise in the SMIIC Technical Committee on Halal Supply Chain (TC 10) to prepare new OIC/SMIIC Standards in Halal supply chain management system.

20th SMIIC BOD and 15th SMIIC GA Meetings

SMIIC BOD and GA Meetings will be held between 02-03 November 2020 virtually

OIC/SMIIC Halal Foundation Training for Africa Region

SMIIC will be conducting the OIC/SMIIC Halal Foundation Training for Africa Region to be held 27-29 October 2020 in Senegal