News & Events

2013 National Halal Forum - Philippines

The 2013 National Halal Forum was held on October 29-30 in Manila, Philippines.
The Forum was the 3rd National Halal Forum held in the Philippines at which the SMIIC General Secretariat was invited to participate as a guest speaker. The Forum is a significant event in the Philippine Halal Calendar to particularly share insights and expertise on the most pressing topics which help to raise the awareness of Halal. The Forum was participated by National Government Agencies and Diplomatic Corp., Local Government Units, Academics, Non-Government Organizations, Private sector and Industry to the Civil Society from the Philippines.
On this occasion a speech on “The Need for a Unified Global Halal Standard” was given by SMIIC General Secretariat. The audience expressed their request to also participate in the SMIIC activities, although the Philippines is a non-OIC country.