News & Events

The 31st Session of the COMCEC

SMIIC Secretary General and his accompanying delegation attended the 31st Session of the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC).

The 31st Session of the COMCEC was held on 23-26 November 2015 in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, with the participation of the member countries, the OIC General Secretariat and the following subsidiary, affiliated and specialized organs (SMIIC, SESRIC, ICDT, IDB, ICCIA and OISA etc.) 

The Committee reviewed and discussed the progress achieved in the implementation of the resolutions and decisions of the 30th Session of the COMCEC, which was held in November 2014 in Istanbul.  Following agenda items were discussed during the meeting:

 -COMCEC Strategy and its implementation;

-The implementation of the OIC Ten-Year Programme of Action;

-World Economic Developments with Special Reference to the OIC Member Countries

-Intra-OIC trade

-Enhancing the role of private sector in economic cooperation;

-Improving transport and communication;

-Developing a sustainable and competitive tourism sector;

-Increasing productivity of agriculture sector and sustaining food security;

-Eradicating poverty;

-Deepening financial cooperation;

-Preparations for the exchange of views on “Post-2015 Development Agenda and Development   Challenges of the Islamic Ummah: Improving Basic Services Delivery”

Under the Agenda Item; Intra-OIC Trade, Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT, SMIIC Secretary General, briefed the Session on the latest developments and activities of SMIIC by presenting the SMIIC report prepared for the 31th Session of the COMCEC.

Following the report of SMIIC, esteemed Member States including Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia and Turkey shared their valuable comments and underscored the important role of SMIIC as the mandated institute by the OIC and common platform to develop a harmonized standards system.
