News & Events

The 2nd Meeting of the Task Force Group

The Second Meeting of the Task Force Group (TFG) was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 16-17 February 2017, hosted by Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA). TFG was established for studying SMIIC Internal Documents according to the SMIIC General Assembly Resolution. The TFG Meeting was attended by the representatives of the TFG Members.

After the opening speech of Mr. İhsan Övüt, Secretary General, the TFG members discussed the amended versions of the SMIIC Internal Documents and the proposals submitted by some members. Internal documents were finalized to be submitted to the approval of the next General Assembly.

The Task Force Group has finished its study by completing the tasks given by the General Assembly. Hence, General Secretariat appreciates the deliberations and contributions of the TFG members in finalizing the SMIIC Internal Documents.
