News & Events

SMIIC Technical Committee Week

SMIIC Technical Committee Week

The first SMIIC Technical Committee(TC) Week for 2017 was held in Istanbul, Turkey between 26-31 March 2017 with the participation of over 40 delegates from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Araba, Senegal, Tunisia, Turkey, and United Arab Emirates, Bosna Herzegovnia and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) as liaison.

 The meeting schedule was as follows:

26 March 2017 - TC1 6th Meeting

27 March 2017 - TC2 5th Meeting

28 March 2017 - SMIIC Directives and IS Training

29 March 2017- CCA and TC4 Meeting

30 March 2017- TC5, TC8 and TC9 Meetings

Scope and business plans of the technical committees were discussed. TC 2- Halal Cosmetic Issues finalised the Committee Draft of Halal Cosmetic Products standard which will be sent to General Secretariat to be registered as OIC/SMIIC 4 DS and opened to voting. TC1-Halal Products decided to accept the revision working document to be circulated as committee draft. New work item proposals for TC5, TC8 and TC9 were made. All committees will be further collecting new work item proposals. The TC Week gave an opportunity for the Technical Committee representatives to come together and increase the pace of standardization work.

The SMIIC Directives and IS Training was also held with participation of more than 40 delegates. The hands on training aided the use of the new IS system and increased understanding of the SMIIC directives which focuses on the procedures for Technical Committee work and rules for the structuring and drafting of OIC/SMIIC Documents.

The SMIIC/CCA decided to register the existing versions of OIC/SMIIC 2 and 3 standards as Committee Drafts (CD) and circulate it to the SMIIC/CCA members for their comments with a deadline of 10 June 2017.

It is a fruitful week which will be repeated this year with TC Week 2 being held on the 22-24 May 2017 for the remaining TC’s and the 3 TC Week 3 in 25-30 September 2017.
