News & Events

4th SMIIC Metrology Council (MC) Meeting

4th SMIIC Metrology Council (MC) Meeting was held on the 08 May 2017 in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey. 40 delegates from 22 countries attended the meeting. Opening speeches were given by SMIIC Secretary General, Mr. İhsan Övüt and SMIIC MC Chairman, Dr. Mustafa Çetintaş.

The following agenda items were discussed:

  • Latest development report of the SMIIC MC
  • Election of the new chairman and vice-chairman of the MC
  • SMIIC New Internal Regulations
  • Update on TÜBİTAK UME Projects and Halal activities
  • Presentations on recent developments and plans in national metrology bodies by Member representatives
  • Drafting 2017-2018 Action Plan for Metrology Committee activities
  • Discussions on the following:
    • Provision of technical support for capacity building, training, equipment supply and inter-laboratory comparisons among Member States.
    • Selection of topics for planned workshops for the exchange of information

Reports of previous year’s activities were given by the MC Chair. After completion of their 3-year term the Chairman, Dr. Mustafa Çetintaş and Vice-Chairman, Mr. Zijad Dzemic were re-elected to continue for another term.

Due to the revision of the SMIIC Internal documents, the SMIIC Metrology Committee will continue functioning as the SMIIC Metrology Council and the MC TOR was revised accordingly. Membership to the MC will only be possible for nationally authorized bodies of the SMIIC Members States and SMIIC Observers.

The following presentations were made:

  1. The latest development report of the SMIIC Metrology Council by Dr.Mustafa Çetintaş
  2. SMIIC New internal regulations by Mr. Cihan Kuzu
  3. Priorities in the Development on NMI’s by Mr. Zijad Dzemic
  4. Halal activities by Dr. Müslüm Akgöz
  5. Legal Metrology by Mr. Onur Esen
  6. Latest developments and existing situations of the national metrology bodies by participating countries' representatives (Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia)

A memorandum of understanding MOU was signed by L’Agence Béninoise de Métrologie et de Contrôle de la Qualité (ABMNCQ) of the Republic of Benin and TÜBİTAK UME National Metrology Institute of the Republic of Turkey.

It was suggested that the next set of Metrology trainings can continue to be given regionally, preferably in an African country in order to avoid visa problems and allow for maximum participation. Benin expressed their willingness to host such trainings.

A survey will be resent to the members requesting information as to which comparisons are needed by which NMI’s.

The SMIIC MC action plan, future projects, requirements of Members and the need for a strategy plan were discussed, these will be finalized during the next MC meeting to be held consecutive to the next SMIIC GA meeting in December 2017.
