News & Events

1st SMIIC AC Meeting

The First Meeting of the Management of SMIIC Accreditation Council (AC) was held in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey on 26-27 February 2018 and hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat.

Following authorized national accreditation bodies of SMIIC Member States attended the meeting as the members of the Management of SMIIC AC for the term 2018-2020:

- L'Organisme Algérien d'Accréditation (ALGERAC)

- Agence des Normes et de la Qualité (ANOR)

- Egyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC)

- National Accreditation Center of Iran (NACI)

- Jordan Accreditation & Standardization Systems – Accreditation Unit (JAS-AU)

- Moroccan Accreditation Service (SEMAC)

- Saudi Accreditation Committee (SAC)

- Sudanese Accreditation Council (SDAC)

- Tunisian Accreditation Council (TUNAC)

- Ministry of Economy/Halal Accreditation Council (HAK)

- Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS)

H.E. Mr. Fatih METİN, Deputy Minister of Economy of Republic of Turkey attended the opening session of the meeting as the guest of honor and delivered a keynote speech and shared his valuable remarks on the future activities of SMIIC Accreditation Council.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT, SMIIC Secretary General with the decision of the members of the Management of SMIIC AC.

The Management of SMIIC Accreditation Council decided to establish a Task Force Group (TFG) for studying of draft Terms of Reference of SMIIC Accreditation Council (AC).

The resolutions of the meeting were approved unanimously and the meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the SMIIC General Secretariat for hosting and successful organization.
