News & Events

16th SMIIC Board of Directors Meeting

16th SMIIC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting was held on 02 April 2018 in İstanbul, Republic of Turkey.

The meeting was started with the recitation of the verses from Holy Quran. The meeting was attended by the 13 SMIIC Member States that have membership in the Board of Directors.

As the important outcomes of the meeting, the Board of Directors elected the following Member States as the Chairman and 3 Vice-Chairmen of the Board of Directors for the 2018 – 2020 term:

 1) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of Board of Directors

2) Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors

3) Republic of Sudan, Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors

4) Republic of Turkey, Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors

The Board of Directors assigned the Director General of Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Vice-Chairman of SMIIC Board of Directors) as the Chair of the Standardization Management Council (SMC) for the 2018 – 2020 term.

SMIIC Secretary General, Mr. İhsan ÖVÜT informed the Board of Directors the progress of the implementation and achievement of all the goals in the SMIIC Strategic Plan 2016-2020.

The Board of Directors also discussed the draft 2019 SMIIC Budget, report of the external financial auditor for 2017 as well as non-paid mandatory contributions of some Member States to SMIIC budget.

The Board of Directors decided to hold the 17th SMIIC Board of Directors Meeting on 04 November 2018 in Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia upon the proposal of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO). 13th SMIIC General Assembly (GA) Meeting will also be held 05 November 2018 in Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia subsequently. 
