News & Events

Regional Conference “Implementation of SMIIC Standards for Halal products in Central Asia” and SMIIC Training 2018 Central Asia

SMIIC delegates participated and gave a speech during the Regional Conference “Implementation of SMIIC Standards for Halal products in Central Asia” which was held on the 19 November 2018 in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The Conference was organized by SMIIC and the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

 The Conference was attended by approximately 120 representatives from the private and public sector from Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

SMIIC Auditor Foundation Training Program 2018-Central Asia was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic. The training was attended by 30 participants from private and public sector from Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The training was given in English and Russian. The program was co-organized by SMIIC and The Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

 The program consisted of 2 parts:

Part 1. Introduction, implementation and use of OIC/SMIIC Halal Standards included introductory training of experts regarding the procedures for adoption, implementation and use of the OIC/SMIIC series of 3 Halal Standards whilst providing training in SMIIC Information System (IS) and Technical Committee (TC) work.

Part 2. OIC/SMIIC 1: 2011 General Guidelines on Halal Food Foundation Auditor Training

 The program aimed to inform the representatives from the Central Asian countries in order to inform them about Halal food, the current Halal market situation and introduce them to the OIC/SMIIC Standards whilst training them in the use of OIC/SMIIC Halal Food standards. The purpose is by the use of common Halal standards to facilitate trade in Central Asia and hence also in the OIC.

 We would also like to thank the Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyz Republic for organizing the training program.

The training was completed with an exam and qualifying participants will receive their certificates.
