News & Events

Technical Committee Week 7 Meetings

Technical Committee Week 7 Meetings

7th SMIIC Technical Committee (TC) Week Meetings were held on the 23-28 September
2019 in İstanbul, Turkey with the participation of 97 delegates from Algeria, Egypt, Gabon,
Iran, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sudan,
Suriname, Tunisia, Turkey, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Thailand, GCC
Countries Standardization Organization (GSO) and the International Islamic Fiqh Academy
The meetings were effective and fruitful in which Technical Committees worked on their
projects. As a major output, some projects proceeded to publication stage and one project
to FDS (Halal Tourism General Requirements). Ongoing projects will be further studied in
the next meetings to pass through all necessary stages and finalized as OIC/SMIIC
