

To achieve our strategic goals, we will focus our resources on achieving the following thirteen (13) strategic objectives and we will measure our success in achieving them by the key performance indicators selected for each objective.

We will mention our strategic objectives according to their contribution in achieving our goals.

Strategic Goal 1: Develop high-quality standards that are used worldwide

Objective 1.1   Develop high quality standards that are relevant to the needs of Members and stakeholders. 

Objective 1.2     Improve the standardization process.

Objective 1.3      Encourage adoption and/or implementation of OIC/SMIIC Standards by Members. 

Objective 1.4     Improve technical infrastructure of SMIIC to meet priority needs.


Strategic Goal 2: Support members’ needs and ensure effective engagement of their stakeholders

Objective 2.1    Promote SMIIC activities to leverage satisfaction.

Objective 2.2    Support and coordinate members especially Least Developed Countries-(LDCs) for effective engagement with regional and international organizations.

Objective 2.3   Coordinate and organize projects, meetings and trainings for Technical Capacity Building.

Objective 2.4   Utilize SMIIC members resources for supporting SMIIC activities to decrease expenses.

Objective 2.5    Increase revenue to make SMIIC financially sufficient.


Strategic Goal 3: Support the enhancement of quality infrastructure and interconnectivity of members

Objective 3.1   Support members especially Least Developed Countries-(LDCs) to strengthen National Quality Infrastructure.

Objective 3.2    Provide a common and internationally recognized platform of Halal accreditation based on OIC/SMIIC standards.

Objective 3.3    Ensure the coordination and synergies with other organizations and among projects implemented.

Objective 3.4    Support the members to enhance interconnectivity.


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