News & Events

SMIIC MC Training in Introduction to Classical Statistics

The ninth SMIIC MC Training within the SMIIC MC Work Plan 2021 – 2023  was the Training in Introduction to Classical Statistics took place on the 08 November 2021 virtually, technically hosted by SMIIC General Secretariat. 47 experts participated in the training.

The training is hosted by NMI: IMBiH-Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina

General Description:
Training course on introduction to classical statistics from both theoretical and practical aspects from the measurement uncertainty perspective.
Objective, expected outcome:
Gaining knowledge on statistics and uncertainty evaluation methods used in metrology.
Target audience, expertise level required:
People working in NMIs, DIs, accreditation bodies, calibration laboratories and industry stakeholders without prior knowledge regarding statistics, probability, and computational tools.
Publicly available material which can be used for this purpose,
Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) and its Supplements.
Duration of training:
1 day (8 November 2021)
Alen Bošnjaković,
Katarina Hafner-Vuk,
Mehrija Hasičić
Time Schedule:
10:30 - 14:30
Basic terms and definitions used in statistics
Probability, total and conditional probability
Probability distributions, its types and applications
Understanding and Evaluating Measurement Uncertainty
Using Probability Quantities for Characterizing Quantities
Introduction to Python programming language
Case study – GUF (Physical quantities)
Case study – GUF (Chemical quantities)

