News & Events

OIC/SMIIC Halal Foundation Training for Africa Region

OIC/SMIIC Halal Foundation Training for Africa Region organized by SMIIC, ASN and ICDT on 15-16 June 2022 in Dakar, Senegal

In frame of the 17th Trade Fair of OIC Member States held on 13-19 June 2022 organized by the Islamic Center for the Developement of Trade (ICDT), the OIC/SMIIC Halal Foundation Training for Africa Region held on 15-16 June 2022 in the "Centre International du Commerce Extérieur du Sénégal (CICES)”, Dakar.

The training was delivered by Mrs. Ndeye Maguette DIOP from ASN (Association Sénégalaise de Normalisation) and Staff from SMIIC General secretariat. The training was attended by the SMIIC French speaking African Countries and participants from Senegal.

Delegates from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger and Senegal attended the training. We would like to thank the ICDT for inviting us to be part of this 17th Trade Fair of OIC Member States and the ASN for all the efforts they have exerted in the realisation of this training.
