News & Events

Procedures for the Technical Work and SMIIC Information System(IS) Training

SMIIC General Secretariat organized and gave the training on SMIIC Procedures for the Technical Work and SMIIC Information System (IS) for TAJIKSTANDARD, AZSTAND, SON, BSTI, YSMO, SOBS, UNBS, and UZSTANDARD Staff, virtually on 27 February 2023, within the project framework of “Orientation of Members to SMIIC activities“.

The General Secretariat of SMIIC has launched the SMIIC orientation project aiming to especially inform new members about SMIIC and its activities, and help aid the participation of SMIIC Members in SMIIC activities. A seminar and training have been organized within the project:

1) Awareness Seminar on Introduction to SMIIC and Its Activities and was held on 16 January 2023 for TAJIKSTANDARD, AZSTAND, SON, BSTI, and YSMO staff.

2) SMIIC Technical Committee Work Procedures and SMIIC Information System (IS) training on 27 February for TAJIKSTANDARD, AZSTAND, SON, YSMO, SOBS, UNBS, and UZSTANDARD staff.

The training aims to give brief information on the procedures followed in the preparation of OIC/SMIIC Standards, and guide the SMIIC IS users with their defined roles in technical committee work by the relevant documents of SMIIC.
