Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriete Industrielle (INNORPI)

INNORPI, National Institute of Standardization and Industrial Property, is a non-administrative public institution, endowed with a civil status and financial autonomy. Established by the law n° 82 — 66 dated 6th august 1982, it is placed under the aegis of the Ministry in charge of industry and energy. It is managed by a Joint Consultation Committee representing different concerned Departments. The purpose of INNORPI is to “undertake all activities relating to standardization, to quality of goods and services aid to the protection of industrial property”:
-It centralizes and coordinates all activities, studies and investigations re1ating to these different fields. It carries out activities of information and training.
-It draws up, in cooperation with concerned bodies, the General Program of standardization, sets up technical standardization committees, organizes their work within INNORPI, and provides the secretariat of these committees. INNORPI is also the National Information Point on standards.
-It certifies the conformity of products and services.
-It certifies the management systems.
-It certifies halal products.
-It grants patents, registers brand names, trademarks and service marks as well as industrial designs and patterns.
-It receives and registers any titles relating to industrial property rights.
-It represents Tunisia at the International Organization for Standardization , ISO, the International Electrotechnical Commission , IEC, the Codex Alimentarius and the World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO.

Institut National de la Normalisation et de la Propriete Industrielle
B.P. 57 Cité El Khadra TN-1003 Tunis TUNISIA
Tel: +216 71 806 758
Fax: +216 71 807 071
E-mail: innorpi@planet.tn
Web: http://www.innorpi.tn