TC1/WG2 General Requirements For Preparation And Handling Of Halal On-Board Meals
Secretary Mr. Sariffuddin bin Mahmud sariffuddin63@gmail.com
Creation Date 2022

General Requirements for Preparation and Handling of Halal On-Board Meals

Title Date Location
1st meeting of SMIIC TC 1/ WG 2 Halal on board meals 2023-09-20 07:00:00 Virtual
2nd Meeting of SMIIC TC 1/WG 2 General requirements for preparation and handling of halal on-board meals (No. 1/2024) 2024-06-23 07:00:00 Virtual
P Members
TC1/WG2 - Secretariat
Address: İstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi A1 Blok No: 436 - 437 - 438 K:14 Yeşilköy, Bakırköy - İstanbul / TURKEY, 34149
Telephone: +90 212 465 65 07 or +90 212 465 65 08
Fax: +90 212 465 65 09
Web: www.smiic.org
Secretary Direct
Mr. Sariffuddin bin Mahmud